Item Name [1] SP[100] SP[1000] Etin[20] SPAbsorption Lapis Lv5Accessories BoxAct LapisAdi LapisAdio LapisAncient GanadorApocalypse [EARTH]Apocalypse [FIRE]Apocalypse [WATER]Apocalypse [WIND]Apocalypse GuardArcher Mantle Lv70Assassin Mantle Lv70Assault Lapis LV6Atrum [EARTH]Atrum [FIRE]Atrum [WATER]Atrum [WIND]Auken LachioBlade of Hypocrisy [EARTH]Blade of Hypocrisy [FIRE]Blade of Hypocrisy [WATER]Blade of Hypocrisy [WIND]Blenning's ForceBlow BladeBlow BladeBough of DestroyBous ArsenBrilliance ShieldBrilliant Armor [EARTH]Brilliant Armor [FIRE]Brilliant Armor [WATER]Brilliant Armor [WIND]Burnen-s BowCarino HrapsodiaCelestial FangCelestial SwordCeremonys HammerConflict Armor [EARTH]Conflict Armor [FIRE]Conflict Armor [WATER]Conflict Armor [WIND]Craft Lapis LV6Daemonic TraceDamnationDamnation Herald [EARTH]Damnation Herald [FIRE]Damnation Herald [WATER]Damnation Herald [WIND]Dark DoomDark Fear [EARTH]Dark Fear [FIRE]Dark Fear [WATER]Dark Fear [WIND]Deathblows CrossbowDecd LapisDecdsy LapisDecoris ArmorDecoris BootsDecoris GauntletDecoris HelmetDecoris Long MantleDecoris PantsDefender Mantle Lv70Defense Lapisia of SyeericDefense Lapisia of SyeericDemolition FoundDemolition FoundDeprimo CapDeprimo LeggingsDeprimo Long MantleDeprimo MufflerDeprimo ProtectorDeprimo WalkerDevil's Wisper [EARTH]Devil's Wisper [FIRE]Devil's Wisper [WATER]Devil's Wisper [WIND]DevilshatterDEX Helmet Lapis LV2Dimension DividerDivine BowEagle EyeEarth Elemental Lapis Lv2Elemental Lapis BoxEliminatorEssence of MystraFatal Protector [EARTH]Fatal Protector [FIRE]Fatal Protector [WATER]Fatal Protector [WIND]Ferox CapFerox LeggingsFerox Long MantleFerox MufflerFerox ProtectorFerox WalkerFighter Mantle Lv70Fire Elemental Lapis Lv2Flash Lapis 2Forbid Lapis LV6Fortune BoxFortune Coin LV1Fortune Coin LV2Fortune Coin LV3Fortune Lapis LV6Globe FishGrim RipperGrudge's Crossbow [EARTH]Grudge's Crossbow [FIRE]Grudge's Crossbow [WATER]Grudge's Crossbow [WIND]Guardian Mantle Lv70Guidance of GoddessGuidance of GoddessHammer BoxHeart RemoverHell's Ruin [EARTH]Hell's Ruin [FIRE]Hell's Ruin [WATER]Hell's Ruin [WIND]Hunter Mantle Lv70INT Helmet Lapis LV2Inter LapisInterser LapisIron Princess [EARTH]Iron Princess [FIRE]Iron Princess [WATER]Iron Princess [WIND]Jewelry Craft LapisJewelry Fortune LapisJewelry Mystic LapisJewelry Safe LapisJewelry Shrewd LapisJewelry Wise LapisJustia ArmorJustia BootsJustia GauntletJustia HelmetJustia Long MantleJustia PantsKanos Gear BoxKanos Weapon BoxKnowledge's WingsKnowledge's WingsLife Lapis LV6Lightning RodLightning RodLightning RodLightning RodLightning RodLightning RodLihit ViergeLinking Hammer Lv7Lion Furious [EARTH]Lion Furious [FIRE]Lion Furious [WATER]Lion Furious [WIND]Loact LapisLUC Helmet Lapis LV2Lucky CharmMage Mantle Lv70Magic Cloth of RegnumMallet of Retribution [EARTH]Mallet of Retribution [FIRE]Mallet of Retribution [WATER]Mallet of Retribution [WIND]Mass Slaughter [EARTH]Mass Slaughter [FIRE]Mass Slaughter [WATER]Mass Slaughter [WIND]Max Assault LapisMax Craft LapisMax Fortune LapisMax Life LapisMax Mystic LapisMax Safe LapisMax Shrewd LapisMax Wise LapisMelan KometesMelrolronte [EARTH]Melrolronte [FIRE]Melrolronte [WATER]Melrolronte [WIND]Mirinae [EARTH]Mirinae [FIRE]Mirinae [WATER]Mirinae [WIND]Mondellsion's Staff [EARTH]Mondellsion's Staff [FIRE]Mondellsion's Staff [WATER]Mondellsion's Staff [WIND]Murmurs DaggerMurmur's DaggerMystic Lapis LV6Mystic Soul LapisNight Slayer [EARTH]Night Slayer [FIRE]Night Slayer [WATER]Night Slayer [WIND]Operator ExclusiveOracle Mantle Lv70Ordeal HammerPagan Mantle Lv70Perfect Armor LapisiaPerfect Linking HammerPerfect Weapon LapisiaPower Lapisia of SyeericPower Lapisia of SyeericPrecognition's StaffPrecognition's StaffPriest Mantle Lv70Prominence [EARTH]Prominence [FIRE]Prominence [WATER]Prominence [WIND]Pursuer Armor [EARTH]Pursuer Armor [FIRE]Pursuer Armor [WATER]Pursuer Armor [WIND]Rage of the SunRage of the SunRage of the SunRage of the SunRage of the SunRage of the SunRanger Mantle Lv70Rasio LapisRasyo LapisREC Helmet Lapis LV2Recreation RuneRecreation Rune (DEX)Recreation Rune (INT)Recreation Rune (LUC)Recreation Rune (REC)Recreation Rune (STR)Recreation Rune (WIS)Regnum EssenceRevenge of the ForgattenRhapsody of Chaos [EARTH]Rhapsody of Chaos [FIRE]Rhapsody of Chaos [WATER]Rhapsody of Chaos [WIND]Roser LapisRosers LapisSafe Lapis LV6Scholar CapScholar LeggingsScholar Long MantleScholar MufflerScholar ProtectorScholar WalkerSE AmuletSE LoopSE Lucky LapisSE RingSecor ArmorSecor BootsSecor GauntletSecor HelmetSecor Long MantleSecor PantsShrewd Blade [EARTH]Shrewd Blade [FIRE]Shrewd Blade [WATER]Shrewd Blade [WIND]Shrewd Lapis LV6Sinister Protector [EARTH]Sinister Protector [FIRE]Sinister Protector [WATER]Sinister Protector [WIND]SiriusSkull BusterSky FurySonic Lapis 2Soul BowSplinter of ElimentalStorm BlowSTR Helmet Lapis LV2Strength Soul LapisTearing SpearTears of GoddessTenacious Protector [EARTH]Tenacious Protector [FIRE]Tenacious Protector [WATER]Tenacious Protector [WIND]Touch of Destroyer [EARTH]Touch of Destroyer [FIRE]Touch of Destroyer [WATER]Touch of Destroyer [WIND]Ultima RisorsaVassilis-s NailVassilis-s NailVolcano DEX LapisVolcano INT LapisVolcano LUC LapisVolcano REC LapisVolcano STR LapisVolcano WIS LapisWander GhostWarrior Mantle Lv70Water Elemental Lapis Lv2Whistaton Eos [EARTH]Whistaton Eos [FIRE]Whistaton Eos [WATER]Whistaton Eos [WIND]Wind Elemental Lapis Lv2WIS Helmet Lapis LV2Wisdom Soul LapisWise Lapis LV6Wise Man's StaffWise Man's StaffWit Lapis LV6